Protecting Fabric And Textiles: 3 Tips To Keeping Moths Away By Getting Rid Of Their Eggs

The first step to exterminating a moth infestation that could potentially ruin all of your finest clothes, your beautiful bed sheets and blankets, and any other textiles and fabrics you have lying around is to get rid of the eggs. Once inside your home, a female moth will lay anywhere from 40 to 50 eggs within the following two to three weeks in dark, often forgotten places, and these eggs will easily hatch in 4 to 5 days. Here are 3 ways that you can get rid of as many eggs as possible yourself, so that they don't have an opportunity to hatch.

Vacuum Regularly

Your first line of business should be to start cleaning your house. You'd be surprised at all of the little places that a moth can find to lay their eggs, and the best way of getting to these areas and getting rid of the eggs is to vacuum. When dealing with a moth infestation, vacuum regularly and as much as possible. You want to focus on vacuuming hidden areas, like underneath the couch and the corners of infrequently used drawers and cabinets.

Vacuum in rooms where you notice the most moth activity; however, don't forget that moths are relatively tiny and can get into the smallest cracks and holes. This means that they can easily make their way into abandoned rooms as well. Be on the lookout for eggs when vacuuming, and pay attention to see whether more moths seem to pop up.

Clean Your Clothes as Soon as Possible

Most people tend to leave dirty clothes lying around in their room for sometime before they even do the laundry. You don't have that luxury if you are dealing with a moth infestation, as moths are attracted to dirty laundry and will often lay their eggs in them. You want to round up the dirty clothes in your house on a day-to-day basis. This is particularly important if you have lazy teenagers that leave their dirty clothes lying on the floor or in weird places. Clean all of the clothes as soon as possible. It's important that you wash the clothes in hot water.

Put clean clothes away in sealed bags, as soon as they're dry. This will deny the moths from gaining any access to these textiles and fabrics. This is also a good opportunity for you to get everyone to adopt cleaner habits and to organize their rooms.

Keep Sachets of Dried Orange Peels, Cloves, or Lavender in Storage Areas

Most moths are also quite picky when choosing a location to lay their eggs. There are certain scents and fragrances that they detest and will avoid as much as possible. To deter moths from laying eggs or even entering storage areas that are ideal for laying eggs, keep sachets of dried orange peels, cloves, or even lavender in the area. These sachets will also help make the storage area or the room smell better.

If you're looking for a gentler fragrance that everyone will usually adore, go with sachets of either dried orange peels or lavender. These deterrents are easy to put up and are also relatively inexpensive to purchase.


Preventing the moths from being able to continue to lay eggs in your home is the first step you should take in dealing with a moth infestation. It will also prevent the infestation from worsening or recurring in the future. A pest control company can also recommend other effective treatment options that will help get rid of the moths for good, so that they no longer eat into any fabric that they can get their hands on.
