Often spiders are lumped together under the banner of pests or bugs, but they should not be confused with insects. Spiders have two segments to their bodies and eight legs. Insects have three segments to their bodies and six legs. But more importantly, a spider eats insects as their dietary staple; therefore, they are nature's pest control. Knowing this can give you an appreciation of how difficult spider control can be. The following are three reasons you should consider calling a professional exterminator for a spider problem.
Killing spiders may increase your insect problem
Because spiders eat insects, it is entirely possible that eliminating spiders will lead to the growth of an insect population. In this case, both the spiders as well as the insects need to be destroyed. However, this is not always the case, and you may simply have a few spiders that have made their way into your home. Some species are attracted by damp areas, for example. In other situations, spiders may be attracted to other spiders because they are a food source. An exterminator can identify the species in your home, and then take the proper measures to eliminate the problem.
Some spiders can be dangerous
Although the venom of a spider is enough to paralyze an insect, it is seldom strong enough to affect an average adult. There are, however, a few rare exceptions. The two most notable in the United States are the brown recluse and the black widow spiders. They can kill an adult in a weakened state from an illness, but small children and the elderly are most susceptible to death. There are ways to identify these spiders, but it is safer to call a professional. Both of these spiders like dark, isolated places, but if you find them anywhere around your house, including the garage, you should call a professional.
Spider control emphasizes technique
Although there are off-the-shelf pesticides you can buy at your local home improvement store, the real trick is in the techniques in using them. Most insects can be killed without seeing them. When a pesticide is sprayed, it sticks to the ends of their legs, and this is then ingested when they eat food. Spiders don't use the ends of their legs to feed. Insects can also take pesticides back to their nests where others are then killed by the chemicals. Spiders live most of their lives alone, so when you kill one, that is all you've killed. It generally takes more than pesticide. You need to have a strategy and apply the right technique.
Spiders present unique challenges for pest control. It is best to call a professional, like those at Godfather's Exterminating, Inc., to identify the species of spider and decide on a course of action.