Serious Mouse Problem? 3 Reasons Why Your Mouse Control Efforts Fail

Mice can become huge problems if they take over your home. To eliminate or control your mouse problem, you might try many things, including placing multiple traps around the house. But if nothing works, you could be inadvertently sabotaging your efforts by eating in your bedrooms, leaving dirty clothing on the floor, or allowing pets to eat treats in the living space. Mice can seek out and find even the smallest morsels of food. Here are three reasons why your mouse control efforts fail. 

You Eat in Your Bedroom

If the traps in your bedroom go untouched but you still see mice in the room, you may want to stop eating in your room if you currently do so. Eating breakfast, snacks, or even frozen dinners in your bedroom can make it easier for rodents to find the food they need to survive. The mice in your home might avoid the traps you set out if there's an easier way to grab food. 

Although mice have poor vision, they do have a keen sense of touch, taste, and smell. The pests can use their senses to find the crumbs and pieces of old food hiding in the fibers of your carpeting, behind your headboards, and even in the corners of your room.

It's a good practice to eat in your kitchen and dining room. Be sure to vacuum your carpets or mop your tile flooring after each meal, especially if you have young children who accidentally (or purposely) drop food to the floor. These steps may be time-consuming, but they can help eliminate your mouse problem over time.

You Leave Unclean Laundry Around the House

If you tend to leave unclean laundry on the floor or spilling over your laundry baskets, you may want to stop doing so. Mice love to nest in piles of debris. The clothing on your floor or falling out of your full baskets may entice mice to nest. The pests can also give birth to young rodents if they find the piles of laundry safe enough to do so. 

Mice can also bite if threatened or frightened. If the mice in your home carry diseases, they can infect you. Practice caution when picking up items from the flooring, especially if it comes from a pile. If you experience a rodent bite, seek medical advice or attention immediately. You can wash the wound with antibacterial soap and water until you see a doctor for care.

If possible, try to wash your clothing on a weekly basis instead of allowing it to build up. Keep laundry baskets closed or covered with lids to prevent mice from entering them. Also, instruct family members to keep their rooms and living spaces clean.

You Allow Your Pets to Eat in the Living Room

Finally, allowing pets to eat treats or food in the living room can attract mice. Although mice can eat just about anything in your home, they can find the grains, cereals, and other tasty ingredients in your pets' food enticing. If your pet drops food behind your furnishings, mice may choose to nest in these handy places. 

Instead, give your pets treats in the kitchen or outside the home. Be sure to place pet food and treats in closed glass containers to prevent mice from chewing through them. Monitor your pets when they eat to ensure that they don't pocket food and drop it somewhere else later. Some pets can hide food to keep other pets from taking it, so keep a close eye out for this problem as well. 

If your mouse problem continues, contact mouse control for assistance. Pest control can use different methods to trap or eliminate the rodents safely.
